Payment methods on Duckademy
How you can pay for our courses
We use
PayPal as payment service.
With PayPal, you can use a
bank account, your PayPal balance, or your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express card as your preferred way to pay for the course you have chosen.
> How the checkout works without a PayPal account
- On the page of the course click the orange 'Buy it now' button
- At the checkout page enter your data and at the bottom of the page click the big yellow 'Pay with PayPal' button.
- On the PayPal pop-up window choose the 'Pay with Debit or Credit Card' option (and not the 'Log In'). You will be directed to the 'PayPal Guest Checkout' screen.
- Enter the following data: credit/debit card information, billing address, contact information.
- Click on the blue 'Pay Now' button to pay and you are done.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: