
Payment methods on Duckademy

How you can pay for our courses

We use PayPal as payment service.

With PayPal, you can use a bank account, your PayPal balance, or your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express card as your preferred way to pay for the course you have chosen.

> How the checkout works without a PayPal account

  1. On the page of the course click the orange 'Buy it now' button
  2. At the checkout page enter your data and at the bottom of the page click the big yellow 'Pay with PayPal' button.
  3. On the PayPal pop-up window choose the 'Pay with Debit or Credit Card' option (and not the 'Log In'). You will be directed to the 'PayPal Guest Checkout' screen.
  4. Enter the following data: credit/debit card information, billing address, contact information.
  5. Click on the blue 'Pay Now' button to pay and you are done.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
