
Become an instructor

How about teaching something interesting?

Our goal at Duckademy is to offer very good and interesting IT courses. For this we are constantly looking for very good and enthusiastic instructors. Are you one of them?

Are you very good at something? Have a special knowledge that would be valuable for others? Love teaching and explaining? Then become a Duckademy instructor and let's create your first course!

Why is it good to teach online?

  • It can be very rewarding financially
  • Also feels good inside to teach and help others
  • A lot of people can get to know you
  • Looks good in your resume and works as reference
  • You yourself can also learn a lot by teaching and preparing

What you will get:

  • Love and gratitude from your students from all over the world
  • Help and guidance from us in preparing your content and videos
  • Cutting and editing is done by us, so you can focus on what you do best: creating great content
  • Half of the revenue from your course is yours as it is selling
  • You also get a fee in advance when your course is published
  • And a special edition Duckademy mug

Already have a course idea? Let's talk about it!
Please contact us at

Thank you!
