Exploit usage and customization

How to use pre-written exploits and customize them to attack a computer
“Don't reinvent the wheel”
Taught by: Peter Zsiros
Length: 6 hours
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How about using exploits?
Even if you don’t know how to write your own exploit from scratch, there are ready made ones that you can use against a system.
In this course you will learn how to find vulnerabilities, how to find an exploit for the given vulnerabilities and finally, if required, how to customize the exploit against the given system. To achieve this you will learn the basic usage of common vulnerability assessment tools like Nessus, OpenVAS and Nexpose. To find exploits we will use SearchSploit and Metasploit applications. To learn the process and the usage of these tools we will walk you through some step-by-step examples of usage and customization of exploits.
Join our course and start using exploits.
Other hacking courses from the same trainer, Peter Zsiros.
Recommended for
System administrators, security specialists
Operating system usage, basic level networking
Technical requirements
We will run maximum 2 virtual machines simultaneously, recommended minimum 8GB memory (2GB for each, and 4 remains to host), about 40GB disk space for virtual machines.
Acquired skills
You will be able to use exploits against a system
Curriculum and videos
Start the course for free! No credit card needed.
Section 0 - Preparation and sample video
Section 1 - Vulnerability scanners
OpenVAS, simple attacks with Metasploit, SearchSploit
Video recordings will be uploaded soon...
Section 2 - Customization
Customization of exploits, customization of post exploitation scripts.
Video recordings will be uploaded soon...