SQL injection mini-quiz
Test your basic hacking knowledge
Answer the questions below to check your basic knowledge on SQL injection. There is always only 1 correct answer. (See the correct answers at the bottom of this page.)
If you need help you will find the answers in the SQL injection techniques - Getting started with SQL injection video.
1. What can you use instead of the < or > sign in case of SQL injection?
b) BETWEEN ... AND ...
2. Which instruction can be used to write data to a file in case of MySQL?
a) INTO 'filename'
b) OUTFILE 'filename'
c) INTO OUTFILE 'filename'
d) REDIRECT 'filename'
3. Which input can be used to test a login screen in case of Mysql?
a) OR 1=1
b) ' OR 1=1
c) ' OR 1=1//
d) ' OR 1=1#
The right answers:
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